Our Story
William Perez has Fragile X Syndrome. Fragile X is the most common cause of inherited intellectual disability. William was diagnosed just before his 3rd birthday. The oldest of 3 children to Manny and Rosie Perez, William is quite the challenge. While he is generally a happy young adult, he struggles with being non-verbal. He uses an AAC (augmentative or alternative communication) device to help with his lack of expressive language. Upon obtaining a diagnosis of Fragile X, the Perez Family decided to help other families and their community learn more about Fragile X. They worked with the National Fragile X Foundation to establish the clinic here in Miami so that specialized treatment would be available locally. They also wanted to help others find therapy and resources available to them.
WillPower Designs
Since William was very little, he has been drawing stick figures that often times show the emotions he is feeling. As we believe he is extraordinary, we chose to use his designs and artwork for the t-shirts produced by The X Family Foundation for awareness about Fragile X Syndrome. The character featured on the front of the shirt is named WillPower. Because with willpower, you can achieve anything!
WillPower has become our mascot and event representative. This drawing has been featured on our t-shirts, hats, beach towels, golf towels, special event shirts, and even cooler cups.